Privacy policy

Customer confidence and privacy is critical to everything we do at Stanton Lynch.

In case you have any concerns about privacy or your personal information please send us an email to and we will reply as soon as possible.

1. About Stanton Lynch

This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the General Terms of Use of the Stanton Lynch Platform and of the website Privacy Policy regulates the collection, storage, and use of personal data of Users and Candidates on the Stanton Lynch Platform, and of Visitors of

2. Personal data

Personal data is every information related to an identified person or a person that can be identified, whether his identity can be determined directly or indirectly, in particular on the basis of an identification number or one or more factors specific to his physical, psychological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

The processing of personal data entails any action or set of actions performed upon personal data, such as collecting, recording, organizing, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, publishing or otherwise making available, alignment, combining, blocking, deletion or destruction and the implementation of logical, mathematical or other operations on that data.

3. Users, Candidates, Visitors

While using Stanton Lynch Platform, we may collect additional User data such as User IP addresses, location data, web browser used, actions Users performed on Stanton Lynch Platform (log-in and log-out dates and times and other), and cookies (see our Cookie Policy).


When accessing website, the Visitor is informed about the cookies. Please review our Cookie Policy.

In case when Visitor downloads marketing materials (E-books, resources, tutorials, guides), additional data is collected and stored: Full name, Headline (your job title), E-mail, Phone number.

4. Legal bases for processing

When processing personal data within Stanton Lynch Platform we rely on the following:

  • Your consent. In case you added your profile picture, we rely on your separate consent for processing this piece of information.
  • Our legitimate interests. We process personal data when we have legitimate interests to do so for example to ensure secure access to Stanton Lynch Platform or to inform you about new features, upgrades, maintenance, or other items about Stanton Lynch Platform. We may also process your personal data to better understand how you use the Stanton Lynch Platform so that we can offer you an even better experience.
  • Our legal duty. We process personal data when necessary to answer your data subject request or customer complaints.

5. Data security

Your data is stored in multi-tenant data stores, we do not have individual data stores for each user separately. However strict privacy controls exist in our application code to ensure data privacy and prevent one user from accessing another user’s data. We have many units and integration tests in place to ensure these privacy controls work as expected. These tests are run every time our code base is updated and even one single test failing will prevent new code from being shipped to production.

All data sent to or from Stanton Lynch is encrypted in transit using 256-bit encryption. Stanton Lynch is served 100% over HTTPS.

6. Right to access and change information

Stanton Lynch will notify the User/Visitor whether or not his personal data is being collected on the basis of a written request by the User/Visitor and in accordance with the General Terms, the Privacy Policy, and applicable regulations and will enable the User/Visitor to correct or delete entered information. The User/Visitor that wishes to exercise the aforementioned right, may contact Stanton Lynch by sending an email to the address

7. Data deletion

Your personal information will be retained until it is deleted. Your personal information will be deleted on one of the following occurrences:

  • a written request by you to us (
  • automatically, after 1 year of inactivity upon active subscription expiration or cancellation

8. Withdrawal of consent

Where the processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time by sending an email to the address Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

9. Changes to the Privacy Policy

Stanton Lynch has the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any modification of this Privacy Policy will be published on this Website.


Effective: August 2022